Reloaded 3.0

Reloaded 3.0


PLEASE NOTE: DVD orders may take between 4-6 weeks to process. If you would like this item sooner, please consider digital options such as Video On Demand, Digital Download, or the Indy Wrestling US Network for available titles.

Duration: 2 hours 35 minutes

Availability: Worldwide

IWC Heavyweight Championship: Wardlow vs T-Rex 
Jack Pollock vs Andrew Palace
IWC Women’s Championship: Britt Baker vs Chelsea Green
Jonathan Gresham vs Jaxon Argos vs Dominic Garinni vs Sless Taylor
IWC Super Indy Championship: Chris LeRusso vs “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
Shane InYaFace vs Bulk Nasty
The Mega Plowers (Magnum CK & Jock Samson) vs The STDs (Corey Futuristic & Brian McDowell)
IWC Tag Team Champions: Daniel Hooven and “Big League” John McChesney vs The Fraternity (Channing Decker & Trent Gibson)
DJ Z vs Jimmy Vegas
IWC Heavyweight Championship: Wardlow vs Shane Taylor

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