Super Indy VII

Super Indy VII


PLEASE NOTE: DVD orders may take between 4-6 weeks to process. If you would like this item sooner, please consider digital options such as Video On Demand, Digital Download, or the Indy Wrestling US Network for available titles.

Duration: 3 hours 26 seconds

Availability: Worldwide

Super Indy VII First Round Match: Luke Hawx vs. Shiima Xion
Super Indy VII First Round Match: Jason Gory vs. Jerry Lynn
Super Indy VII First Round Match: Troy Lords vs. Davey Richards
Super Indy VII First Round Match: Ricky Reyes vs. “Fabulous” John McChesney
Boot Camp Match: IWC World Heavyweight Champion The Sandman vs. Dennis Gregory
IWC Super Indy Title & ICW/ICWA Tex-Arkana Television Title Four-Way Scramble “Sweet N Sour” Larry Sweeney vs. Ruckus vs. Bryan Alverez vs. Delirious
Sexual Harassment (Justin Idol & Eric Xtasy) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)
Awesome Kong vs. Daizee Haze

Plus the semi-final and final rounds of the Super Indy VII Tournament

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